
Modern Stone-Marble Bathtub Minimalist Bathroom Furniture Design by D’ZVontz

If you are looking for simple bathroom and minimalist furniture, he's a rock and a modern marble bath with a creative design and classy style that you should consider wearing your contemporary or luxury bathroom. Designed by D'ZVontz, there is something grand and luxurious on a stone bathtub. This is a warm and elegant to the eyes but cold to the touch, this is a rare combination that can only come from another realm of creative designers mind. Rome, Italy luxury stone bath is one part of the artistic bathroom furniture. Stone of modern baths boast smooth, polished tub in rough, rocky base. These furniture designs can be sourced in a choice of Antique Forest Marble, Blue Stone and Marble planes, each bath is unique in terms of color scheme and tendons. Matching sheets and drowning are also available, so you have a coordinated display design in your bathroom. [via]

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